

I just came across this wonderfull site/artist today and have completely fallen in love with her work. Here's a taste and I reccomend you go check her out. Blog Link



Arrrgh, Seriously?

Thursday, October 4, 2012 at 11:05am
There is an increasing amount of vandalism at my office building. The week my grandmother died I caught a kid jumping on the back spokes of a bike that he and his friends had stolen when I was outside smoking. A cop was less than10 yards from me and while he didn't see the kid, he saw me reacting to what I had just witnessed and went after him.

The kid got collared for pot possession and damage to the bike. A few months before that some twit put gum in the lock of my drivers side door when it was parked farther out in the parking lot. I'm almost betting it's the same group of kids.

A couple weeks ago it was barbeque sauce thrown against the side of the building, and a week or two after that the back door to the building was busted out.

Last night it looks like someone stole one of the larger pumpkins from Memorial Methodist and smashed it against the building.

Shared with Memoires for Android http://market.android.com/details?id=net.nakvic.dromoris http://sites.google.com/site/drodiary/


Darkling Hunt Gift

Southpaw Darkling Hunt Pic, originally uploaded by ρђε∂яε.

Click the lantern to change poses and the post to change textures for the lantern & glass.

The door opens and closes depending on the pose. The hunt prizes are 5L.

Sept 15th - Oct 15th


Wave Ring (mesh)

Waves Ring Sales Pic, originally uploaded by ρђε∂яε.

New ring from Southpaw comes in both silver and gold with a big freshwater pearl.



Esmerelda Gen2 Elf Ears

Esmerelda Gen2 Elf Ears, originally uploaded by ρђε∂яε.

Ya'll have harassed me and begged for it time and and again so I'm happy to announce that Esmerelda has been un-retired and updated to run off the Gen2 Hud with lower scripts and a few more options. The Hud includes Color and metal tinting and I added a ton of new Gem & Stone textures to play with.

metals include - Silver, Gold, Platinum, Bronze, Copper and Fairy.

These ears are not in the main store will only be available at Fantasy Faire for the duration of Fantasy Faire so be sure to join us on the Ruins of Nu Orne this comming week. Faire opens this weekend! April 21-29!


Mad Peas: Sanity Falls Hunt


Sanity Falls starts sooon!


Ramona - Wildlife Edition

Ramona - Wildlife , originally uploaded by ρђε∂яε.

Newest Release - Elf ears with little wildlife charms.

The premade color textures are similar to Mynerva's tones. Comes with color HUD and the usual goodies.

Twisted Hunt!

~*S.E.*~ Mystic Circlet Gacha (Twisted Spring Hunt)Dark 7: Ouija ArcanaDare Designs: ArcaneUrban Forge Virtuatecture: The Bayou ArcaneUrban Forge Virtuatecture: The Bayou ArcaneGirl Not Included: Arcane Staff Set
The Fooding: Arcane Potion MasterUrban Forge Virtuatecture: The Bayou Arcane.:CoLLisions:. Labyrinth Jewelry Set.:CoLLisions:. Blessed Be Jewelry SetTwisted Gatcha Prizes!Goth1c0: Arcane tattoo twsited
A Netherworld - Gatcha Cameo Belts Ad~Sassy!~ Idol II Twisted Arcane Hunt Gift:{MV}: Arcane Riot Shoes:{MV}: Twistedthulu Plushies GachaLimited Edition - Twisted Dragon WaterWallTwisted End Game prize 2
Twisted end game Prize 1Twisted Bleen Dragon with Hoarde _73 Prim_Kelpie WaterfallTwisted FountainWizard KoboldWinterbleen Gum

Twisted Hunt!, a group on Flickr.

Twisted Spring 2012 is here! Check out the flikr pool.


Feb Group Gift - Fly Away

Feb Group Gift - Fly Away, originally uploaded by ρђε∂яε.

There are so many options packed into this delicate little girl I don't know where to start. The chain was sculpted to fit very closely to the avatar so it's not all weird in places. It fits almost perfectly. It's low scripted with a resizer and tons of texture options. There are 6 metals, 19 diamonds and each of the stones are independent and have about 25 textures to pick from.


The Protester

The Protester, originally uploaded by ρђε∂яε.

New Release - Start a revolution or stage a protest with this fearsome bandana!